Acknowledged by US FDA
US Patent No: US6,379,693 B1

Circulatory Systems

Circulatory Systems

Individuals with abnormal heart function are prone to chest pain and breathing difficulties due to less blood supply and they are often out of breath during walking or intense exercise. It may also cause heart attack, hemiplegia (stroke) and other complications at serious cases.

According to Professor Dr. Frank Mao,GTF contains dietary trivalent chromium which can promote heart health, regulate total cholesterol level and LDL cholesterol as well as enhancing and improving circulatory system’s health.

People who died of heart failure are found out that their chromium content in heart arteries is low(Newman, Leighten, Lanesse & Freedland, 1978)


GTF reduces diabetes-induced myocardial infarction        GTF reduces atherosclerosis


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